Would you be willing to use your career as a way to disciple the nations?
Our Call:
To take the gospel to the ends of the earth, and make disciples among unreached unengaged people groups. More than 2 billion people have never had a chance to hear the gospel message.
In Acts 8 we read about Philip and the Ethiopian. God asked Philip to go down a road few traveled. On that road God had a divine appointment set up for Philip. He met an Ethiopian who needed someone to explain about salvation to him. What if there had been no one to explain the Truth to the Ethiopian? What makes it any different today?
Many countries are closed to traditional ways of missions, yet God has commanded us to go to all people everywhere. We must rearrange our priorities to make sure that the gospel message is getting to the ends of the earth.
We believe that professional are the key to implementing the Great Commission in areas of the world where there is the most concentration of lostness. It is essential that we begin to implement successful paths into closed countries. The future of reaching unreached unengaged peoples, through international missions, depends on it.
For the Lord has commanded us saying, “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” -Acts 13:47
Mission Statement:
Facilitate a movement that mobilizes professionals to help create alternate paths into the least reached areas of the world.
We are Mobilizing:
Retired Professionals
We are Casting a Vision to:
Campus Ministers
Missions Directors
Lay Leadership
Will you be a part of the
Philip Initiative?
As a young girl I knew I wanted to do missions, in fact I remember in the first grade asking how to spell "missionary" on my future career card at school. How God would use me on the mission field was still a mystery at the time, but many years later I took a teacher cadet course at my high school and realized God had given me a passion for teaching. Choosing a career in the field of Education didn’t mean giving up my calling to the nations, in fact God can use anyone’s passions or talents to further his kingdom anywhere around the world. I learned about the Philip Initiative and how getting a marketable degree can help church planters get into an otherwise closed country. I would love to see Christian Universities develop a program that prepares students for a cross-cultural career. I have talked to several other students who are interested in a career in Education who would also be interested in courses that connect their career choice with the mission field. -Student