Every single Prisoner Packet gets delivered. And every single packet contains a Message of Hope - the story of Christ's love and forgiveness.
Notes from Prisoners
Packet FAQ
Packing List
You put it together. We'll put it in the right hands. God will do the rest.
The Christmas Packets for Prisoners project began in 1976. It is a joint project of SCBC and SC WMU. As the project has grown, our churches continue to give faithfully and generously. Thank you for sharing the love of Jesus with those who need to know Jesus in a personal way.
Many men, women and youth have no one who cares for them. They have no visitors, nor do they receive gifts at Christmas. You make Christmas special for them through this ministry. You provide hope and love. As a result, some have received the true Christmas gift. They have come to know Christ because you care.
It is the easiest gift on your shopping list. Every item on the list is in your grocery store, dollar store or variety store and to gift wrap it, all you do is put the items in a zipper plastic bag. Of all the gifts you give, it is the one most likely to change a life!