WMU encourages churches to focus on missions in their Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the earth with special emphases throughout the year.
Materials are ONLY for South Carolina ministries
Non-SC ministries, click HERE to find your state & order
Materials are ONLY for South Carolina ministries ⋆ Non-SC ministries, click HERE to find your state & order ⋆
What free materials are available?
Prayer Guides
These brochures act as a daily guide for prayers over missionaries, people groups, and more through the week of prayer.
Offering Envelopes
Each offering has custom envelopes to help differentiate gifts as well as promote the Season of Prayer.
Order posters to use on bulletin boards, in classrooms, and more!
Yearly Observances
Learn about various places and peoples to know how to pray and support better
Pray for various mission fields daily and throughout the focus
Offerings are taken up to help reach the people who do not know Christ as their Lord and Savior